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At remediation design stage we continue to follow the CLR11 process with a risk based remediation options appraisal, during which we identify the benefits and drawbacks of each viable technology, before selecting a preferred strategy.
The remediation of contaminated land or water is increasingly seeking to follow principles of sustainability, and we ensure that our focus is on deriving a remediation strategy which aims to keep the maximum amount of soils on site.
JOMAS are able to advise clients on a wide range of remedial options and can design and supervise the implementation of such remedial measures.
Do you require a Remediation Strategy to deal with and Contamination and Address a planning condition?
The range of investigation techniques that JOMAS offer include:
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Bioremediation: Bacteria and other organisms will decompose some contaminants. By controlling the soil conditions, for example by adding fertilisers, water and air, these natural processes can be accelerated and the soils remediated.
Chemical treatment: By adding certain chemicals to the soil it is possible to chemically alter some contaminants so they become less toxic.
Barrier systems: These tend to comprise the installation of a vertical containment system that effectively seals off the contaminated source and limits migration either off site or to other parts of the site.
Monitored natural attenuation: Natural processes, such as dilution, dispersion, volatilisation, biodegradation, etc, will act to reduce the concentrations of some contaminants in the soil and groundwater.
Thermal desorption: Certain soil types can be passed through a thermal processor in order to remove organic contaminants.
Soil stabilisation: By the addition of certain chemicals to contaminated soils, the contaminants can be stabilised so that the soils can be reused.
Groundwater treatment: A variety of technologies exist which can range from physically pumping out the groundwater and treating it, to introducing chemicals through boreholes to treat the contamination in-situ.
We work with specialist remediation contractors to implement and we verify the remediation works, as appropriate.